Caio Vaz Rimoli in the lab - SFG spectroscopy - Grupo de Polímeros - Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC) - Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - Mestrado - MSc - Master

Fig 1 - The LENI Lab (Lab of Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Interfaces) at the Polymer's group " Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gross" (IFSC/USP)

- Passionate about:

- About me:

My name is Caio Vaz Rimoli, I am a Brazilian who was born in the countryside of the São Paulo (SP) state in Brazil. I grew up in a beautiful city called Piracicaba (SP), which is known for its local countryside culture, different accent, beautiful university campus (ESALQ/USP), lovely river with astonishing small waterfalls, riverside food, and lively local culture/art (see Fig 2).

What do I do as a scientist? Well, simply put, I'm an optical biophysicist. I was trained as a biomolecular physicist, but my research experience had a strong bias towards optical engineering. I have specialized in optical setup development (optical instrumentation) applied to biological/biomolecular systems. I've been working with different spectroscopy and bioimaging techniques to investigate biological and/or biomimetic model samples.

In the last few years, I was a postdoc working at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) with Prof. Dr. Sylvain Gigan and Dr. Cathie Ventalon at the Complex Media Optics Lab in the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (PSL/ENS, Sorbonne Université, Collège de France, CNRS) and at the Institut de Biologie d'ENS (IBENS/ENS). Recently (2024), I obtained a tenured position as a Research Engineer at the Institut Curie (Centre de Recherche) - INSERM U1143 - in Paris to work with advanced fluorescence microscopy and image analysis methods.

To know more details about my career, check the Scientific Career section. Besides, on this website, you may find information about my publications, my research projects, and the labs/institutions where I worked.

- Hobbies:


Piracicaba (Portuguese pronunciation: [piɾɐsiˈkabɐ] or [piˌɾasiˈkabɐ]) is a city located in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. The population is 407,252 (2020) in an area of 1378.07 km². It is at an elevation of 547 m above sea level. 

The place name comes from a word in the Tupi language that means "place where the fish stops", and it is formed by the junction of the terms pirá ("fish"), syk ("stop") e aba ("place"). The name refers to the waterfalls of the Piracicaba River, which bisects the city, which is a point where the "piracema" happens —fish swimming upstream to reproduce.

Piracicaba is home to the oldest agricultural university in Brazil, the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo. Founded in 1901, the school is located on a farm with a large collection of trees and plants. It is also recognized as a leader in the field of precision agriculture.Other universities based in Piracicaba are the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) and the University of Campinas' School of Dentistry.

Piracicaba is known by the nickname "Noiva da Colina" (bride of the hills) and it hosts annually the "Festa das Nações" (Nations' Party, where people may find foods from all over the world), and the "Salão Internacional do Humor" (International Humor Exhibition), where cartoonists from around the world display comic drawings.

* Information according to Wikipedia.