MOSAIC (Institut Fresnel/AMU)


Mosaic is an interdisciplinary research group aiming at unravelling life science problems using advanced photonic tools. Mosaic principal investigators are physicists and biologists working together at the cross roads between advanced optical imaging, nanophotonics and tissue morphogenesis. In parallel, the Mosaic group is involved in collaborative projects related to the fields of developmental biology, immunology, neurosciences and biomedical research.

Optical microscopy techniques:


Scientific production since 2002:

Source: Institut Fresnel's website (2022).

Cell Morphogenesis Lab

  The Cell Morphogenesis Lab is headed by Dr. Manos Mavrakis, and it is embedded in the MOSAIC Group. This lab is an interdisciplinary research group bringing together biologists and physicists with expertise in the development of customized, cutting-edge optimal imaging techniques for studying biological processes. 

Source: Cell Morphogenesis Lab website (2022).